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1950s Household Memorabilia Pack

Picture of 1950s Household Memorabilia Pack
Replicas of original materials from 1950s households.

£6.95 incl VAT

1960s Childhood Memorabilia Pack

Picture of 1960s Childhood Memorabilia Pack
Replicas of original materials from 1960s childhood.

£6.95 incl VAT

British Seaside Holiday Memorabilia Pack

Picture of British Seaside Holiday Memorabilia Pack
Replicas of original materials from British seaside holidays.Contents includes: Holiday camp pamphlets, hotel leaflets, entertainment programme, by coach to the seaside booklet amongst other things.

£6.95 incl VAT

Famous Scots Learning Chart

Picture of Famous Scots Learning Chart
Fascinating information about key figures in Scottish history.

£3.95 incl VAT

First World War Learning Chart

Picture of First World War Learning Chart
This commemorative poster brings WW1 to life by summarising the major aspects of the war in both words and exclusive photographs.

£3.95 incl VAT

Henry VIII Learning Chart

Picture of Henry VIII Learning Chart
Answers children's many questions about this fascination monarch.

£3.95 incl VAT

Roman Britain Learning Chart

Picture of Roman Britain Learning Chart
"What did the Romans do for us?" Outlines key aspects of life in Roman Britain.

£3.95 incl VAT

Scottish History Learning Chart

Picture of Scottish History Learning Chart
This illustrated timeline helps children to gain a better concept of Scottish history.

£3.95 incl VAT

Suffragettes Memorabilia Pack

Picture of Suffragettes Memorabilia Pack
Replicas of original materials of the Suffragettes.

£6.95 incl VAT

The Blitz Memorabilia Pack

Picture of The Blitz Memorabilia Pack
Replicas of original materials from the Blitz.

£6.95 incl VAT

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